LOrA – Leipzig Orientation Counseling for Asylum Seekers and Migrants

Every Wednesday from 6 – 8 PM, Lützner Str. 93-95 in Leipzig
Volunteer counseling for asylum seekers and migrants

We work without appointments and offer our services in German and English. For other languages, language assistance can be requested; please write us an email or contact us on Instagram.

What we do:

Assistance with contact with authorities:

  • Read and understand letters, fill out forms, and collect and organize documents; prepare responses
  • Assistance with filling out applications for citizen money, child benefits, and student grants

Support in the search for jobs, studies, and apprenticeships

  • Compose cover letters, create resumes, communicate with employers

Assistance with housing search:

  • Search for advertisements, compose cover letters

Support for orientation:

  • Referral to other counseling services

If you’d like to join us voluntarily, send an Email to hecker@sfrev.de


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