perspective counseling for refugees in Saxony | PERSPECTIVES

The project “PERSPECTIVES” offers low-threshold, independent, open-ended, and comprehensive perspective counseling to refugees living in Saxony. The project supports refugees on their way to obtaining a secure residency status, for example, after a negative asylum procedure. A particular focus is placed on identity clarification and fulfilling related cooperation obligations, as many legal opportunities remain inaccessible without identity clarification.

The aim of our counseling is to empower refugees, guiding them to act independently within the complex German administrative system and jointly developing sustainable and realistic perspectives that align with their needs.

In addition to our fixed counseling locations in Dresden, Leipzig, and Chemnitz, we also offer regular mobile counseling in the districts of Saxony.

Locations and Consultation Hours

Leipzig Location

Lützner Straße 93, 04177 Leipzig

Open Consultation: Wednesday, 1 PM to 5 PM

Helen Vierkötter
Project Coordination
Phone: 0341 – 249 151 51

Linda Sihem Bellounar
Project Staff
Phone: 0341 – 249 151 54

Dresden Location

Dammweg 4, 01097 Dresden, Fax: 0351 / 87 43 17 33

Open Consultation: Tuesday, 10 AM to 2 PM

Jörg Eichler
Project Staff
Phone: 0351 / 30 95 96 18

Franziska Jaster
Project Staff
Phone: 0351 / 33 22 12 73

Carolin Münch (Mobile Consultation Leipzig District)
Project Staff
Phone: 015784843782

Sandra Münch (Mobile Consultation Leipzig District)
Project Staff
Phone: 015775176855

Chemnitz Location

Henriettenstraße 5, 09112 Chemnitz

Open Consultation: Wednesday, 10 AM to 3 PM

Josefine Kallenbach
Project Staff
Phone: 0371 / 35 60 218

Hasina Amirat
Project Staff

Mobile Consultation

Leipzig District

at the premises of Bon Courage e.V., Kirchstraße 24, 04552 Borna, Fax: 03433 2606162

Open Consultation: Monday from 10 AM to 1 PM and Wednesday from 2 PM to 4 PM

Contact Persons:
Carolin Münch, Phone: 015784843782
Sandra Münch, Phone: 015775176855

Erzgebirge District

at the premises of HELP e.V.

Office Annaberg-Buchholz, Karlsbader Straße 29, 09456 Annaberg-Buchholz

Office Aue-Bad Schlema, Mittelstraße 45, 08280 Aue-Bad Schlema

Office Stollberg, Lutherstraße 11, 09366 Stollberg

Contact Persons:
Anja Vieweger, Phone: 015753643605
Susanne Kath, Phone: 017645806184

Appointments by arrangement only.

Nordsachsen District

at the premises of Diakonisches Werk Delitzsch/Eilenburg, Nikolaistraße 4, 04838 Eilenburg

every second Tuesday from 1 PM to 4 PM
Next consultation date: 28.05.2023

Appointments can be arranged at:

Bautzen District

at the premises of the Citizen’s Office: Bürgerbündnis “Hoyerswerda hilft mit Herz”, Dillinger Straße 1, 02977 Hoyerswerda

Contact Person: Birgit Radeck
Phone: 03571 – 60 999 05

every second Thursday from 9 AM to 12 PM
Next consultation dates: 23.05, 6.06.2024, 20.06., 04.07., 18.07., 1.08.

at the premises of Willkommen in Bautzen e.V., Schülerstraße 6, 02625 Bautzen

Appointments can be arranged at: or +49 3591 3818607

every second Thursday from 9 AM to 12 PM
Next consultation date: 30.05.2024, 13.05.2024

Görlitz District

at the premises of Café Solidarité by Augen Auf e.V.

Office Zittau, Reichenbergerstraße 49, 02763 Zittau

Office Löbau, Brunnenstraße 3 (Hinterhaus), 02708 Löbau

Contact Persons:
Katja: 0177 5815445< br />

Appointments by arrangement only.


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