Consultations are offered only by prior appointment. This applies to all fixed locations as well as mobile locations.
At the sub-project of the Saxon Refugee Council e.V. in Dresden, appointments can be picked up in person every Tuesday from 9 AM to 5 PM without prior arrangement.
We are available for you via email and telephone.
RESQUE forward is being conducted in 2022-26 as part of the program “WIR – Networks Integrating Refugees into the Regional Labor Market”. The project network advises and accompanies refugees in Saxony in accessing work and training and regarding their prospects of staying. If needed, the network also supports companies and other multipliers with case-related advice and support.
In addition, training courses on the legal and practical framework conditions for the labor market integration of refugees are offered in employment agencies and job centers, as well as for other interested actors in the funding region.
A main concern of RESQUE forward is networking and cooperation with other relevant actors. The project is in constant professional and strategic exchange with these actors to gather and disseminate as much knowledge and experience as possible in the field of work and training for refugees.
Target Groups
The target group of RESQUE forward are asylum seekers and those with tolerated status who have at least subordinate access to the labor market, as well as recognized refugees.
Special focus is on young adult refugees, refugee women, refugees with disabilities, and those with uncertain residence prospects.
The training courses and networking activities are aimed particularly at the employment administration and other administrative authorities, but also at all other actors who play a role in the process of labor market integration for people with a refugee background.
The primary goal is the sustainable placement of refugees in work and training. Therefore, the project is committed to continuously improving access opportunities for this group of people to the labor and training market.
In cooperation with partners, this specifically includes acquiring target groups, supporting the search for training, and placing participants in various offers to promote their employability and educational ability. In individual case counseling, the residence law aspects of employment security are always thoroughly considered.
Achieving training readiness, (re)starting school education with the aim of a school leaving certificate, opening up access to education and further training systems, sensitizing relevant contact persons and labor market actors to the special needs and life situations of refugees are all components of the project orientation that aim for the most sustainable integration of participants in the labor market.
Funding | Sub-projects | Funding Region
RESQUE forward is funded as part of the program “WIR – Networks Integrating Refugees into the Regional Labor Market” by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus). RESQUE forward is also co-financed by municipal funds, private third-party funds, and private own funds.
The WIR networks are made up of various sub-project partners. The RESQUE forward project network consists of the following sub-projects:
- Saxon Refugee Council e.V.
(Securing residence for well-integrated refugees; training and expert advice; coordination) - Production School Moritzburg
(Catching up on school education and career orientation with socio-pedagogical support) - DAA (German Employees Academy GmbH) Dresden
(Workshops & counseling for refugee vocational students) - District Office Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains
(Labor market guide in rural areas) - Foreigners’ Council Dresden e.V.
(Counseling & career-oriented training for refugee women) - Spektrum:Mensch gGmbH
(Placement in work and training for refugees with disabilities)
Permanent counseling centers are located in Dresden, Chemnitz, and Pirna.
RESQUE forward can also offer mobile counseling appointments in the municipalities of Erzgebirgskreis, Görlitz, Meißen, and Zwickau in cooperation with local partners upon request.
Strategic Project Partners
Strategic cooperations regarding common goals have been agreed upon with the following actors:
- Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labor and Transport (SMWA)
- Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion (SMS)
- Regional Directorate Saxony of the Federal Employment Agency
- Employment Agency Pirna
- Job Center of the Meißen District
- Job Center of the State Capital Dresden
- German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) District Saxony
- Chamber of Crafts Dresden
- Chamber of Industry and Commerce Chemnitz
- Workers’ Welfare Association (AWO) State Association Saxony e.V.
- German Parity Welfare Association State Association Saxony e.V.
- Diaconal Work of the Ev. Lutheran State Church of Saxony e.V.
- Caritas Association for the Diocese of Dresden-Meißen e.V.
- State Office for School and Education Dresden
- Commissioners for Foreigners’ Affairs of the City of Dresden and the City of Chemnitz
- DaMigra e.V.
- Umbrella Organization of Saxon Migrant Organizations e.V.
- Das Boot gGmbH
- Donner + Partner GmbH Saxony
- Educational Institute of the Saxon Economy gGmbH
In addition, the employees of RESQUE forward are regularly represented in various regional and statewide networks.
The RESQUE forward project network is funded as part of the program “WIR – Networks Integrating Refugees into the Regional Labor Market” by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus).
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