Information about the situation of our personal counselling regarding the Corona-issue:
We are at your service via email and telephone.
The basis of a successful integration of asylum seekers and refugees is the cooperation with relevant offerings of education and labor market, which gives the project a structuring supporting work approach.
Based on this, one main emphasis of the project is the comprehensive information through appropriate project-specific trainings in employment agencies and job centers of the assisted region, the Saxon educational agency, the local chambers and public institutions. Depending on needs, the project offers case-related support.
Another emphasis of the project is assistance on individual cases. This includes concretely first interviews, attendee management (data base), competency and resource determining, career path planning, job orientation, application training, support and company in qualifications, apprenticeship, employment relationship (Lawaetz-Stiftung 2014).
In some cases, the project cooperates with relevant special programs like the ESF-BMAS-Program, Integration through qualification (IQ) and ESF-BAMF German for Professional Purposes.
The project RESQUE continued aims the extension of networking and a wide cooperation in rural areas.
For a successful organization for the transition from school to job, informational events for job orientation and application training are conducted in the preparing classes for “German as a second language” (DaZ). Activities are based in public sensitization, intercultural awareness, public relations and networking.
Target groups
The main target of RESQUE forward concerns asylum seekers, Gedultete with minimum subordinated access to the labor market and recognized refugees.
A special focus is on young refugees and unaccompanied minors, with the individual objective, to make up for a school-leaving qualification or the commencement of a school-based or in-firm training.
In the context of sensitization, public relations and networking we reach disseminators of public administration, employees of relevant labor market participants as well as non-governmental organizations.
Teachers and other pedagogical staff of general education and vocational training centers with preparing classes (“German as a second language”-Classes (DaZ) with vocational preparation) in Saxony are taken particularly in consideration.
The project emphasis is the improvement of entrance opportunities of the target group to the labor market. This is offered by counseling which is adapted to individual needs. In cooperation with partners, this includes the acquisition of the target groups, the support for training research, for the mediation of participants in various offers to promote their employment and educational ability, the resumption of school education with the objective of a completion, sensitization of contact persons, relevant labor market actors, public administration and the stabilization of the access structures.
Consultation hours Dresden
Dammweg 3, 01097 Dresden
Counseling by appointment only: +49(0)351 – 309 901 02 /
Consultation hours Chemnitz
Henriettenstraße 5, 09112 Chemnitz
Counseling by appointment only: +49(0)371 – 666 29 611 / )
Project partners
Project partners from RESQUE forward are the Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat, Produktionsschule Moritzburg, DAA (Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie GmbH) Dresden, Spektrum:Mensch gGmbH and the municipality Sächsische Schweiz- Osterzgebirge.
Project partners on local level are:
- local, volunteer networks in the surroundings of shared accommodations for refugees
- discussion groups, informational events for the sensitization of actors on site
- employment agencies and job centers for seminars
- economic associations, chambers etc. for the mutual information exchange and for trainings about labor market relevant issues
Project partners on regional level are:
- regional work groups and networks of migration advisory centers, refugee support networks, social workers of the refugees accommodations, Saxon ESF-BMAS-IQ-actors, educational institutions, youth career information centers
- the Saxon Ministry for Economics, Work and Transport, The Saxon Ministry for Equality and Integration, the Saxon Ministry of Education
- Saxon education agencies and teachers of the preparation classes (DaZ)
- the Saxon Commissioner of Foreigners’ Affairs and the commissioners of the various cities and districts
- dialogue with various state and non-state actors of the field „integration and migration“
Project partners on national level are:
- national business promotion structures
- national network meetings of all BMAS sponsored projects, which are associated to IvAF
- employment center
The project ist financed by the Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS), by the European Social Fund and by municipal funds, private third party funds and own private funds.