Seebrücke – create safe harbours
Accepting the death of thousands of people in the Mediterranean Sea for the further isolation of Europe and the sake of gaining political power is unforgivable and contradicts any form of humanity. Migration is and has always been part of our society! Instead of politicians like Salvini, Seehofer or Kurz closing borders, we need an open Europe, cities of solidarity and safe harbours for Refugees and people in need. Because we cannot wait until politicians in Europe or Berlin change their minds and create humane political solutions, we have to act now! And there are local opportunities: Leipzig has a real chance to fulfill the self chosen label of being a city „open to everyone“ („Weltoffene Stadt“). Leipzig can become a safe harbour and make clear that we are not willing to share the inhumane positions of the CDU and other malicious agitators from the Political Right.
#Seebrücke is an international movement carried out by various associations and actors of the civil society. Be part of the movement, join our demonstration, and take action on your own!
Saturday, 04th August 2018 | 16 Uhr Simsonplatz (in front of the “Bundesverwaltungsgericht“)
Show colour – take a stand!
Show the orange colour everywhere as a sign of borderless solidarity with refugees and the sea rescue teams. Wear the orange rag – as a scarf, on your backpack, for your dog as a collar, or leave an orange flag hanging out of your window. This way you can show everyone that you stand up for safe escape routes and sea rescue.