Deportation Practice in General
In a joint press release the Federal Association PRO ASYL as well as Saxon Refugee Council criticize Saxon deportation practice as brutal, family and health do not count in Saxony. (June 20th 2016)
Report on the most recent deportation numbers that have almost doubled over the course of last year: (February 5th 2017)
Dpa picked up our report about the forced separation of families. On the following websites the article was published: (March 14th 17)
On Custody for the Purpose of Deportation a couple of media reports appeared.
SFR’s protest in front of State Parliament was announced here: (May 17th .17)
The faction’s positions were presented here: (May 17th .17)
SFR’s position was comprehensively described in the following interview with Freie Radios: (May 19th 17)
Practice of „alternative documents“ replacing the Duldung (May 11th 17)
Luan Zejneli, whose case was handed in in Saxon Hardship Commission, was affected by the practice. Leipzig Internet Newspaper reported:
Hard Ship Commission
The student from Leipzig, Luan Zejneli, was supposed to be deported after turning 18 years old. Thanks to the solidarity of his classmates, public pressure was created. SFR handed in the case in Hardship Commission. It’s vote was positive. (May 19th 17)
Ever since Geert Mackenroth heads Saxon Harship Commission, the number of recognized hard ship cases has been decreasing. Taz newspaper raises the question of the Why.!5411684/ (06.06.17)
Case of the Bekir/ Kamberovikj family
Interview in Coloradio with Patrick Irmer, SFR on how the deportation was processed, the legal situation of the family at that time and the critique concerning the agencies.: (May 27th 2016)
Saxon Newspaper reports that the State Head Office would not make any statement on the promise given to Azbije Kamberovikj to let her be examined by a doctor. (June 02nd 2016)
On a failed deportation shortly after the separation of Bekir/ Kamberovikj family reports Saxon Newspaper. (June 09th 2016)
Jungle World cites the lawyer of the family, Oliver Nießing, and his reasoning on why the deportation was contrary to law in his view. (June 16th 2016)
Migazin shifts focus on the issue of statelessness that affects many Rom*nja. The paradox between officially promoted culture of remembrance of the Porajmos and the anti-romaistic discrimination that still happens as well as the criminalization of their protest appears in the text. (June 17th 2016)
MDR exakt shows the situation of the family as deportation was still threatening the family members that remained in Germany. (June 29th 2016)
Interview by MDR exakt with Patrick Irmer where he gives answer to legal questions concerning the case. The Foreigners’ Department of Meissen for example easily could have issued a stay permit according to §25 Abs. 5 or §25a Residence Law to the family respectively to one of its members. (June 29th 2016)
Freitag newspaper spoke intensively with Sami Bekir and mirrors the situation of the family when they still lived in Macedonia. (October 13th 2016)
Case of Mrs. D.
Leipzig Internetzeitung comments on the separation of Mrs. D and her older son from the youngest as a clear breach of constitution and United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Report from mephisto on the deportation and family separation and the subsequent law suit against the police, issued by Mrs. D and funded by Peperoncini e.V. (16.06.16)
Migazin presents the different perspectives on the deportation. (24.06.16)
kreuzer portrays the story of Mrs. D, her reasons for her first escape from Chechnya and her second from Poland as well as her life and her dreams in Germany. (July 12th 2016)