We, Zendegi, call for joining our protest camp on Augustusplatz, Leipzig, from October 21st till 24th. We protest against the deportation to Afghanistan on October 24th from Leipzig/ Halle airport. We call upon the citizens of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and everywhere else in the Federal Republic, to support us, the Non-Citizens, who live here in Germany.
Another group of friends is going to be deported to Afghanistan, October 24th from Leipzig/ Halle airport. Afghanistan is a war ridden, unsafe country. The deportation of people who seek for asylum and protection to war zones is nothing else than to put their lifes at risk, to leave them to the threat of death. Consciously, eyes are closed towards the mass dying, towards attacks, committed against the population of whole villages, towards the dead bodies that remain, towards the bombings, that haunt Kabul again and again.
We know that our protest camp won’t stop the deportation on October 24th. But we raise our voice to call for change, to get in dialogue with the citizens of German society. We know that this is a call German government won’t hear, in a time where Fascism is on the rise again.
From tomorrow on, 2pm, we will protest together with people of different citizenships with hope and patience against deportations in general, against deportations to Afghanistan in particular.
Details on the Protest Camp
During the Protest Camp we’ll be present in different ways:
Rallies with speeches by Non-Citizens and anti-deportation activists
Different workshops on the issues asylum and deportation
Consultation hours by legal advisors
Open dialogue sessions with citizens
Open dialogue sessions with Non-Citizens
On Us
The campaign “Zendegi” was founded and is active against deportations to Afghanistan in particular. We reject deportations in general. We reject all deportations in general. We stand for human dignity and equality of all human beings. Racism and ethnic discrimination are things we stand against.