Thomas Hoffmann, SFR: “The Nazi scene has reached a quality where one can speak of professional right wing radicals. Saxon police is overstrained. #c2708 has shown that. Nothing was learned out of the Heidenau riots.”
André Löscher, RAA Sachsen Opferberatung Chemnitz, reports on the facist structures in the city. An incomplete list:
“PC Records”
“3. Weg”
Ultras like “NS-Boys”
“Kaotic CH”
“Pro CH”
“AG Rex”
Löscher: “I miss a clear stance. Instead we have to observe the capitulation of the state of law.”
Emiliano Chaimite from Dachverband sächsischer Migrantenorganisationen e.V.: “We always pointed out racism, but were not taken seriously. My life is marked by experiences with racism. I said to the Prime Minister, Michael Kretschmer, that racism has made it into the middle of society. He denied that.”
Michael Hiller by Deutscher Journalisten-Verband Sachsen: “We had a conversation with the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior. Journalists were not safer afterwards, see #2708. If police officers shake hands with the security guys of right wing demonstration, it speaks for itself. To the politicians: regretting is not enough anymore.”
Rita Kunert, Herz statt Hetze: “‘The only thing that causes trouble in this city is you and your demonstrations, Mrs. Kunert.’ This is what I had to hear from official sides. Instead of strengthening protests against demonstrations where people shout “Let them drown”, we are called “leftist chaotics.”
Lennart Happe, Seebrücke – Schafft sichere Häfen Dresden: “It is our concern that debates are held on the basis of facts again, that politicians are not driven by Nazis, that it positions itself against the brutalization of language. Dirk Hilbert: support the life savers of the LIFELINE.”