Perspective counseling for refugees | My Rights. My Perspectives.

New Empowerment Project for Third-Country Nationals in Saxony
Access to legal residence for refugees in Saxony comes with high requirements, such as securing livelihood or proving language skills, which often presents major challenges for these people. Many affected individuals have insufficient information about their rights and few resources to handle necessary steps like passport procurement.

The project “My Rights. My Perspectives.” offers a statewide service consisting of information, support, and empowerment for refugees without secure residence rights in Saxony.
The project supports and accompanies affected individuals in matters relating to migration, social, and administrative law with the main concern of strengthening integration processes and participation. In particular, we aim to reach people who are read as female and those with special protection needs through our services.

Prevention, Information, and Intervention
Throughout Saxony, we offer information and group events as well as in-depth open discussion and counseling formats for individuals at our counseling locations in Dresden, Leipzig, and Chemnitz, as well as mobile services in the Leipzig district.

Locations and Consultation Hours


Lützner Straße 93, 04177 Leipzig

Open consultation hours: Wednesday, 1 to 5 PM, first appointment: 15.01.2025

Helen Vierkötter
Project Coordination Tel: 0341 – 249 151 51

Linda Sihem Bellounar
Project Staff Tel: 0341 – 249 151 54

Sandra Münch
Project Staff

Carolin Münch
Project Staff


Dammweg 4, 01097 Dresden, Fax: 0351 / 87 43 17 33

Open consultation hours: Wednesday, 11 AM to 2 PM, first appointment to be announced

Jörg Eichler
Project Staff Tel.: 0351 / 30 95 96 18

Steffen Miroll
Project Staff


Henriettenstraße 5, 09112 Chemnitz, first appointment: 08.01.2025

Open consultation hours: Wednesday, 10 AM to 3 PM

Hasina Amirat
Project Staff

Neydi Villamizar
Project Staff

Marlene Pernalete
Project Staff


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