Here you can find all the links that appear in the dossier and which are important for legal advice.
Asylum Procedure
„Guideline for Refugees“ compiled by Lower Saxon Refugee Council:
PRO ASYL: Memorandum for fair and thorough asylum procedures in Germany
Informationsverbund Asyl & Migration: Multilingual Leaflet with information on the Interview in the Asylum Procedure:
Refugee Council Cologne: Multilingual Movie on the Interview in the Asylum Procedure:
Options resulting out of Residence Law
Position paper of a couple of State Refugee Councils on the Duldung for the Purpose of Vocational Training:
RA Henning J. Bahr/ Anwälte Haus: Requirements for doctor’s certificates after the tightening of §60a (2c) 3:
Members of Saxon Hardship Commission
Church Asylum
Advice on Church Asylum by the Deputy for Foreigners‘ Issues of Saxon Protestant Church:
PRO ASYL: Critique on Dublin IV
Deportations to Afghanistan
Advice against Fear, compiled by Bavarian Refugee Council:
Advice from us in Farsi, German, English:
Custody and Detention
PRO ASYL: The Leaflet „Defenseless behind Gates“:
Refugee Council Brandenburg, Refugee Council Schleswig-Holstein, Humanistische Union: The Publication „Detention without a Crime“ gives facts and arguments against detention for the purpose of deportation
Saxon Refugee Council: Appeal with Critique on the Law Regulating the Enforcement of Custody for the Purpose of Deportation:
Saxon Refugee Council: Problematization of the changed law regulating custody:
Saxon Refugee Council: Detention fort he Purpose of Deportation: Texts by detainees, prison employees and volunteers of detention contact group Dresden (Publication in 2014):