Art is everywhere and in everything. It is part of our everyday life and it speaks a language we all understand. Art has no beginning or end, there is no such thing as a border letting you say art starts here: after this line, in this frame, on that canvas, on that paper, in that photo… Everything around is art, but somehow, many people miss it, that’s where we, who notice, called artists, start to colour, paint, draw and document things, so it becomes more noticeable, to stop you and help you to see. This is all what this workshop
Category: Allgemein
+++ Demonstration “Stop Deportations to Afghanistan” in Leipzig on Saturday, 25th of March, 2pm+++
—Press Release of Afghan Refugees from Leipzig— Stoppt Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan“ is a self-organized demonstration by Afghan migrants and refugees against the deal between Germany and Afghanistan to send back Afghans and against the deportations to Afghanistan. It will take place Saturday, 25/03/2017 at 2 pm at Willy-Brandt-Platz, Leipzig. “We are against these deportations and the deal between Germany and Afghanistan which make these deportations even much easier.” said Farhad one of the organizers. “You cannot find any place in Afghanistan and say this place is safe from Taliban, IS devotees, the U.S and Nato’s armies, air strikes and military drones
Drawing Competition has started! – School for Everyone!
Today our drawing competition as part of the campaign “School for everyone” started. How could a school look like where borders do not play a role anymore? Many kids and teenagers do not have a chance to attend school in Germany. They live in the so-called “first-reception-centers” and lose a lot of time just by waiting and feeling bored until the authorities decide on their destiny. They are refused from attending school. The only reason why they have to live in the reception centers and do not have to go to school: they are from the “wrong” country. Even though
Press Release: Right to Move and Right to Stay instead of Relentless Hardness
State Government publishes numbers on deportations of 2016 On the occassion of the published numbers on deportations of 2016 by the Ministry of the Interior, Saxon Refugee Council starts with a dossier in German and English on its website. 20 family separations in 2016 compared to four separations in 2015 show how coarsely Saxony deports people. The critical and public supervision of Saxon deportation practice is our objective. 3.377 people were deported by the Saxon Ministry of the Interior in 2016. In comparision with 2015 the number has doubled. In 2016, Saxon Refugee Council and other NGOs were forced to
About us
Since 1991, the Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat e. V. is engaged for the protection of displaced people and for humane living conditions in Saxony. It takes sides for the legitimate interests of refugees and safeguards the public control in the realization of the asylum procedure law and the asylum seekers act in Saxony. Further fields of work are the documentation and the publication of human rights violations in this area. The Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat e. V. offers informational material about the recent development in asylum policy, has an advisory function and refers to the informational service of PRO ASYL and other nationwide refugee