Projekt EDA
Empowerment, Digitalization, and Labor Market Integration for migrant Women
All consultations and information are free of charge.
Please always schedule an appointment by phone or email!
If you have come to Germany as a migrant woman and have...
RESQUE forward
Consultations are offered only by prior appointment . This applies to all fixed locations as well as mobile locations.
At the sub-project of the Saxon Refugee Council e.V. in Dresden, appointments can be picked up in person every Tuesday from 9 AM...
// ACT - Counseling for refugees
Please note:
Our "ACT" -project has been terminated by the end of 2023. Please understand that we are currently available only to a very limited extent and that we can only offer personal consultation appointments in very few cases. Thank you very much....
Save Me Chemnitz | Mentorship
The Save Me Chemnitz project is committed to sustainable cooperation between refugees and locals on an equal footing. It arranges mentorships between refugees and Chemnitz residents to create encounters and support the arrival and integration process...
IBAS | information on recognition of foreign qualification
The central field of action of the IQ Network Saxony is IBAS - Information and Counseling Center for the Labor Market in Saxony, with three counseling locations in Dresden, Leipzig, and Chemnitz. IBAS provides advice on the recognition of foreign qualifications...
Labor Market Mentors for Refugees
Content-related counseling support for the pilot program
In addition to ensuring humane accommodation, adequate care and fair asylum procedures, the primary goal should be to integrate refugees and other people with a migration background into our society...
Member in Saxon Commission on Hardship Cases
The Hardship Commission (HFK) can enable foreigners who are obligated to leave the country to be granted a residence permit for urgent humanitarian or personal reasons. To achieve this, contact must be made with a member of the HFK, who then submits...
public relations
We criticize!
Our public relations work always puts its finger on the wound and, thanks to funding from foundations, has so far always been able to be a critical voice for the rights of refugees in Saxony independently of government agencies.
Qualification companions for migrants
Our Aim
Accompanying migrants in their recognition of foreign qualifications in Germany
Counseling about matching qualifications to reach equivalent job qualification
Foreign job qualification
Letter certifying an aknowledged...